Monday, 21 May 2012

100 posts and counting

I'm happy to report that my blog has cracked one hundred posts. The number of posts snuck up on me quite quickly.

I'd like to thank all those people who have visited or subscribed to the blog since it started. (So, thanks Mum.)

My biggest thanks and appreciation is reserved for my wife. She has edited all of my posts (and in the process saved the public from many a dodgy joke or two) and put up with me living and breathing my blog. There is no way there would be one hundred posts without my wife.

Lately, I was asked about some of my favourite posts. Here they are:

- How three singing butchers got me thinking about my campaign (click here).

- The Beach Upgrade: A Tragi-Comedy in Two Parts (click here).

- Freo under the microscope: My city is bigger than yours (click here).

- Any post about my four year old nephew Byron, formerly known as Bubba (click here, here, here, and here for a few).

- The mini Freo monument posts (click here, here, and here).

Anyhoo, thanks again. I look forward to another century of posts.


  1. I always look forward to your blog articles, Michael, as they are special and considerate. Can't wait for the next 100 to appear on my computer screen.
    Keep it up! It requires a lot of commitment and time to do a good blog.


  2. Thanks Michael, I haven't read many because I have blog/information/work overload atm, but it's great to see another committed blogger for Fremantle! (and hopefully I can start reading more and also get my own blog going again (though over the many years(most not in Freo), it's never been this active!))

  3. Thanks guys!

    (Good luck with kickstarting the old blog Simone)
